
Affiliate Disclosure

Hi… Nicole here and I wanted to take a moment to be crystal clear and totally transparent about how we are compensated here at primetimepickleball.com particularly as it relates to affiliate partnerships and sponsor partnerships.

Our mission is to provide world-class pickleball instruction empowering you to play your best game… This is why we produce our videos and give away content, training and tutorials for free!

But, we want to make sure that it is abundantly clear that this website is indeed a for profit venture and we want you to know exactly how we generate income from this website and why.

So… Full disclosure time!

In addition to being content creators and selling or own products we are also affiliate marketers and have sponsor partnerships.

Throughout the pages and posts on this website you will encounter affiliate links and links to our partners websites featuring products and services that we recommend and endorse.

When you click on these links and purchase, we can receive a commission from affiliates and sponsors and this is how we are compensated for the time and energy that goes into publishing content here at primetimepickleball.com.

Although not all links on this website are affiliate links and links to partners, you should assume that all links that leave this website and take you to another website are affiliate links or links to partners. You should expect that we will earn a commission if you follow links from our site to other sites and purchase.

With that said, we only promote, endorse or link to products and services we personally have researched, vetted, tested, believe in, and items that we personally use.

In short, you should assume the owner of this website has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection, to any suppliers of goods and services that may be discussed here, and may be compensated for showing ads or recommending products or services, or linking to the supplier’s website.

If you have any questions about a specific product, our relationship with a company or this affiliate disclosure, you can always email us at [email protected] and we are happy to clarify.