
Please Share Your Transformation Story With Us

Hey There!

We launched our Youtube channel and website with the intention of bringing you world-class pickleball instruction empowering you to play your best game.

Has this already happened for you?

Today, we’re looking for your real-life story and your examples of how our videos, content and ideas have helped YOU!

If you have had exciting gains in your game or have experienced a transformation by putting our instruction into action… we’d love to hear about it!

Please answer these super quick questions below if you would like to share your story!

If you are an overachiever and are comfortable on video, grab your phone or camera and cut a video answering the first 5 questions in addition to writing your answers below.

Your video doesn’t have to be polished or edited… Just upload the video to Dropbox or Google Drive (or the file sharing service of your choice) and share the video file’s URL in the ‘Anything else’ field below! We will edit out any outtakes if needed.

Thank you for taking the time to help out and for sharing your personal story of transformation!

PTP transformation
Example: "Before I found PrimeTime Pickleball's videos/website/instruction/drills/technique/ideas, my biggest problem was _____________________"
Examples: "It felt like ___________________________" or "I felt frustrated, like I was _______________"
Example: "PrimeTime Pickleball's videos are different... They _____________________________ while everyone else __________________"
Example: "When I found their _________________________ video/instruction/post I realized ________________________"
Example: "Now that I __________________ I am/my pickleball game is _______________________ and I expect to ________________________"
First and last, please...
This will not be publicly displayed anywhere... Just in case I have follow-up questions! 😀
Your FB profile link won't be shared or displayed publicly anywhere... Just so we can connect and to grab a pic.
Optional, but can give extra 'credibility' to the testimonial and can give you exposure, too!
Reminder: We will never share your email address or Facebook URL