5 Common Pickleball Return Mistakes & How To Fix Them
In today’s blog we're going to talk about the five most common return mistakes. Mistake #1 – Standing Too close To The Baseline The first most common mistake in the return game is standing too close to the baseline,...
3 Golden Rules Of Winning Pickleball Strategy
In today's blog we're going to be talking about the three golden rules of winning pickleball strategy. Golden Strategy Rule #1 - Have A Plan. Be Proactive, Not Reactive. Golden strategy rule number one is to have a plan....
Top 9 Basic Pickleball STRATEGY Mistakes & How To Fix Them
In this blog we're gonna go over the top nine basic pickleball strategy mistakes we see out there on the courts as well as how to fix them. Mistake #1 - “Wandering” Server The first mistake that we see a lot of players...
What Is A Smash In Pickleball (Keys To Winning the Match)
The pickleball craze has hit the USA as you see more courts and tournaments and pickleball related events of all kinds popping up everywhere. Looking to learn about the overhead smash, one of the most powerful shots you can deliver on the pickleball courts? Whether...
Top 10 Pickleball Tips For Players Of All Levels
In today’s blog we're going to talk about the top ten do's and don'ts for pickleball. These are not in any particular order. Tip #1 - DO Give Yourself Margin For Error Tip number one is to give yourself margin for error....
Perfect Pickleball Serve Technique in 5 Simple Steps
In today's blog we are going to give you five tips that are going to improve your serve. Tip #1 - Use Your Whole Body. Not Just Your Arm. A lot of beginner players, and even intermediate players, just use their arm or their...
9 Transformative Tips To Level Up Your Pickleball Game
In today's blog we're going to go over the top nine pickleball tips that we think can transform your game. We really think these tips will help accelerate your game a lot quicker. Even if you don't have a racket background,...
Top 10 Pickleball Stroke Technique Mistakes (& How To Clean Them Up If You’re Making Them)
In this blog we're going to go over the top ten basic technique mistakes that we see many players making. Identifying if these mistakes are present in your game and resolving them quickly is critical to your ability to play consistently well and set a good foundation...
24 Pickleball Drills To Level Up Your Game
With the increasing involvement of sports science professionals in training programs, drills have become widespread across all sports. Pickleball is no exception, and we see an increasing number of coaches offering pickleball drills as a way to improve pickleball...
Double Bounce Rule Pickleball Explanation & Beginner Tips
Pickleball is a simple game but has some rules that can confuse beginners. It appears that the double bounce rule is one of those rules. It is also called the Two-Bounce rule, making it that much more confusing at first. There are some minor details to...
How To Score in Pickleball (The Definitive Beginner’s Guide)
Pickleball was invented and played on a badminton court in 1965. It is a cross between badminton, ping-pong, tennis, and is one of the fastest-growing sports. Even though pickleball is a simple game, the scoring can be a little tricky to understand right away for...
Pickleball Basics To Get You Started
Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in the U.S., with 4.8 million players. It is a paddle sport played with either two (singles) or four players (two doubles teams) using a paddle and a plastic or composite ball on a badminton-sized court with a net height more...
Pickleball Court Size In Feet (Pickleball Court Dimensions Beginner’s Guide)
The transition from other racquet sports to pickleball is pretty straightforward in large part thanks to the stroke production being fairly similar in a lot of cases. It's then a matter of getting used to the pickleball specific equipment, courts and rules. Getting to...
Can You Play Pickleball On A Tennis Court?
Despite the popularity of pickleball and it's being around for many years, it’s not always easy to find a pickleball court to play on. This prompts the question: can you play pickleball on a standard tennis court? In short, yes, you can play pickleball on a standard...
Pickleball Vs Tennis | Which One Rules?
There’s an interesting trend in racquet sports happening across North America. It appears that more and more tennis players are moving over and becoming pickleball players. What’s fueling the pickleball vs tennis game debate is the fact that during prime...
Force Your Opponents Into Misses & Pop Ups With Aggressive Dinking
In this blog we're going to go deep on one of the most important aspects of pickleball - dinking. Specifically dink variety. Historically the pickleball dink has been viewed as a gentle shot hit from up at the non-volley zone line that is basically just pushed over...
#1 Return of Serve Tip To Take Charge Of The Point
Having a successful and imposing return of serve all boils down to one word - TIME. Specifically, you want to find ways to buy time for yourself with your return all while still pressuring your opponents and giving them less time and space. Why do you need to create...
5 Killer Attacking Mistakes Costing You Points You Should Have Won
Here at prime time we're definitely for attacking. But, we’re not for attacking every ball that comes your way. One big mistake that we see is many players attack on just about everything. They don’t really have much of a plan other than to hit it as hard as they can...
Standing in the Pickleball Transition Zone & Why it’s a Losing Proposition
What is arguably the toughest place to be on the court in pickleball? The area where most would recommend that you do not stand because it's a losing proposition? I’d argue it's the transition zone and I think many would agree. And what is arguably the toughest shot...
Develop 4.0+ Control & Feel BY YOURSELF in less than 10 minutes/day
One of the main skills that separates advanced pickleball players from the rest is their ability to control the ball. They can speed it up or slow it down at will. They can also pick a target on the court that is quite specific and either nail that target or get...
5 Wall Drills For Perfect Pickleball Backhands You Can Do BY YOURSELF
One of my favorite shots is my backhand. I really enjoy hitting a groundstroke whether that be a drive, topspin or slice. I also like resets or dinks on the backhand side. But, that wasn't always the case. I really had to work quite hard on my backhand as most people...
5 Forehand Groundstroke Problems That Are Hurting Your Game
I see many players making some really BIG forehand groundstroke mistakes and their WHOLE game is suffering as a result. You can't make your opponents pay for weak shots and you can't setup for finishing shots as you otherwise could with a strong forehand groundstroke....
5 Common Backhand Mistakes Made By Pickleball Players At Every Level
One of the shots we see players struggling with the most is the backhand. That makes sense, it's just not as easy to hit the ball leading with the back of your hand as it is the front of your hand. So, I can understand why people have more trouble on the backhand side...
5 Most Important Things To Do For Better Pickleball (The Golden Rules)
We're going to cover what I consider to be the Five Golden Rules of Pickleball. Now these are NOT the basic rules of pickleball such as: What shots are in vs. outWhat are the boundaries of the court?How do I start the point?How do I score?When do we switch sides?Etc…...
5 Key Tips For Total Control On Your Pickleball Volleys
Want to gain gain total control over your pickleball volleys? You should! The skill of being able to volley (take the ball out of the air before the boucne) well from any part of the court is a crucial skill to advancing and playing at higher levels of the game. These...
3 BIG mistakes Made By Most Pickleball Players 4.0 & Below
We should all be watching pro pickleball matches to learn from the best right? Yes! There’s definitely a lot to be learned from watching high level pickleball. You can study their footwork, their stroke technique, their shot selection, their shot patterns, how they...
Top 9 Pickleball Skills & How To Develop Them (A Complete Step-By-Step Guide)
These are the top 9 pickleball skills you need specifically for doubles in order to be a force on the court: #1 - Dinking and Dink Volleys. #2 - Attacking from the non-volley zone line. #3 - Resetting & Blocking from the non-volley zone line & mid-court. #4 -...
5 Ways To Use “Backing Up” As A Smart Pickleball Strategy
You should never back up…they say! Wrong. There’s a time to hold the line and there’s a time to back up. The trick is knowing when to do what. Here we show you 5 ways to use backing up as a smart pickleball strategy.
The #1 Beginner Pickleball Mistake Solved So That Your Dinks Stop Popping Up & Bouncing Too High
Many players are out there making this #1 beginner pickleball mistake. We understand why many start this way at the very beginning when they’re just trying to get the ball over a few times. However, once you have that down you need to evolve away from this as soon as possible or else risk putting a ceiling on your game. Nobody wants that!
Pickleball FAQs answered – Q&A with Jordan & Nicole
The PrimeTime Pickleball Team livestream replay celebrating 10K subscribers is here! We answer many frequently asked questions about pickleball and PrimeTime. We dive deep on why we started the channel, what’s to come, how comments help shape the channel, pickleball advice and much much more…
Doubles Pickleball Strategy – How To Avoid Unforced Errors & Getting Attacked When Dinking
What separates the best from the rest is not only their ability to hit good shots consistently but it’s their ability to know when to hit what. What they do best that is often overlooked because we only remember the most spectacular shots is that they hit high percentage shots 99% of the time. That’s why they win! Here’s how to model pro dinking strategy.
Super Slice Backhand Dink Cross Court | Push Them Back And Set Up Your Attack
Dinking is getting more and more aggressive, are your dinks keeping up or are they falling behind? The old way of dinking is dead. Here’s how to hit a great slice backhand dink to push your opponents back off the line and setup more pop ups that you can attack…
Pickleball Strategy: Smart defense to get back in the point
Have you ever heard the phrase “offense wins games, defense wins championships”. Well, that rings very true in the pickleball world as well. Often we focus on offense because it’s sexy. It’s more fun to win a point than it is not to lose a point. But the truth is that the best players have both devastating offense and incredible defense. Here’s how to develop great defense…
Dinking Strategy – 3 Steps To Dominate With Dinks & The #1 Dink You Must Avoid
Are you hitting dead dinks? If you don’t know what dead dinks are then you need to watch this video immediately because it is costing you points and games. You’ll learn why why they’re bad, how to avoid them and what you should do instead so you can dominate dinking.
3 Easy Ways To Improve Your Pickleball Game
As fun as it is, Improving can be hard because it may take longer than you would like. You have to learn new skills and then drill them in to your muscle memory over long periods of time. However some fixes can be quick and have a big impact on your game. Here are 3 easy ways to improve your game today!
Backhand Volley Technique | Hit a backhand volley like Top Pro Tyson McGuffin
Top pro Tyson McGuffin has one of the best backhand driving volley’s that you’ll ever see. We break down the key steps to what makes his backhand volley so good. Make sure you too are achieving these key technical elements and you’ll be driving it better than you ever have in no time…